Course on Strategic/Regulatory Science in Paediatric Oncology Drug Development
- Paediatric oncologists, pharmacists, patient advocates
- 2-years course, 6 modules
- Each module led by a different stakeholder
360º Multistakeholder rotation
- Junior and senior researchers
- 3-6 months rotations at EMA and/or pharma
ACCELERATE Research Fellowship
- Advanced junior researcher
- 12 months
- Possible link to PhD
Online Educational Training Platform
- For everyone
- Free and open
- Ask the Expert Forum
- Muti stakeholder workshops
How does ALADDIN innovate?
1. e-Rotations and e-Fellowships: ALADDIN implements a hybrid model, combining the classical “in situ” experience with remote activities.
2. Educational fluidity: Knowledge does not only flow from trainer to trainee, but it also flows in multiple directions!
- The course allows for extreme flexibility, and trainees can choose to attend and complete only certain parts that meet their educational needs, or to complete them all.
- Each module will be led and taught by a different stakeholder, allowing for more fluidity of expertise.
- Lay language material on high-level clinical research topics and, at the same time, very specialized content for people working or trained in the field of drug development and childhood cancer.

Why Aladdin?

- Cancer is the largest cause of death in children >1 year in high-income countries.
- Over 200,000 children and adolescents are diagnosed with cancer each year globally, 50,000 in Europe and North America alone.
- The five-year survival rate for childhood cancer in high-income countries is 80%. For children with poor-prognosis cancers resistant or refractory to conventional treatment, the survival rate is however less than 25%.
- On average, childhood cancer survivors have almost twice as many chronic health conditions by age 50.
- 40% of childhood cancer survivors suffer from long term side effects that are impacting their lives severely.
- Over 75% of children with cancer that is resistant to conventional treatment die.
- Off label use in paediatric oncology: more than 50% of the medicines used for children with cancer had not been approved for use in this specific age group.
- Up to 17 years of delay until the same new medicine already approved for adults gets approved for children.
There is an urgent need for new medicines to cure aggressive tumours, and to reduce the toxicity of the treatments that leads to long-term health problems.
Developing new drugs for children with cancer is a complicated multi-step process that involves many different groups (academic researchers, pharmaceutical industry, patient advocates, regulatory authorities, …). There is a need to improve the efficiency of this process and fulfill the unmet needs of children with cancer.