ALADDIN Rotator publishes in EJC Paediatric Oncology Journal

We are pleased to share the achievement of Erica Brivio who, alongside
colleagues at the European Medicines Agency, has authored an important
new article in the EJC Paediatric Oncology Journal, titled
“Approved medicines for paediatric solid tumours in Europe: Lessons from the life cycle of a paediatric investigation plan”.
The article looks at some of the challenges that are faced when a
new medicine for children’s cancers is assessed using a Paediatric
Investigation Plan (PIP). By analysing various PIPs for medicines for
paediatric solid tumours, Erica and co-authors have
identified some of the issues that must be considered by drug
developers, investigators and regulators when moving to approve a new
medicine, as well as highlighting best-practice examples.

Erica has worked at the EMA as part of the ALADDIN 360 rotation
programme, which allows paediatric oncologists to undertake a 6-month
placement in either regulation or industry to develop a deeper
understanding of drug development processes. We’re thrilled
that this experience has led to this significant publication for Erica
and her co-authors.

You can read the full article here